college of finance & economics currently has 8 undergraduate degree programs, including financial management, financial engineering, international economics and trade, accounting, investment, asset evaluation, economics and finance, internet finance. the diploma program offers 4 associate degrees, including accounting, financial management, international economics and trade, securities & futures. the college has 301 full-time faculty members in total, including 55 professors, associate professors and other senior professional titles. there are 213 members of the faculty received their doctoral and master degrees, 54 of those who received their academic degrees oversea. the college also has 105 adjunct faculties who served on enterprise and 33 counselors.
the college focuses on practical teaching, and has built 50 training laboratories, including a campus financial engineering laboratory, a banking comprehensive laboratory, a cost of managerial analysis laboratory, an international economics and trade laboratory, an electronic documents laboratory and an assets evaluation laboratory. emphasizing school-enterprise cooperation, the college made agreements on internship and employment opportunities with a number of local leading enterprises, such as gf securities, dongguan securities, and bdo(dongguan).
the college encourages teaching staff to carry out academic research. during 2016 to 2020, faculty members of the college have undertaken 57 projects of various levels at provincial and above levels, and published 9 textbooks as well as 1215 papers in academic journals.
the college place great emphasis on the idea that practice supported by theory and scholastic aptitude driven by technical skills. the contest instructors of the college has led the team of college to won almost all the 1st prizes fo financial awards in 2018, such as the 1st contest of colleges and universities of integrated service of insurance, the 2nd contest of colleges and universities of investing and financing, the 2nd national competition of banking innovation and services. in december 9th, 2018, the team of college won the champion of undergraduate group in the 3rd contest of colleges and universities of application and innovation on internet finance, which sponsored by ministry of education, science and technology development center, co organized with central university of finance and economics and tsinghua university. in 2019, the college team won the 1st prize of the contest of colleges and universities of economic game and experiment.
the college emphasizing turn the professional advantages to good account by serving the local development of economy. since 2013, the college has successively acquired the qualification of the service of performance of financial management three times, 61 men-times of the faculty entrusted to evaluate the performance of 5 projects that involve ¥5.67 billion and cover community services, popularization of science, culture and education, cultural locations and agricultural, including 752 sub items.